What is .ac.th domain? - Thai academic (university) websites
Generally, academic institutes (schools, collages, universities) can request the “.ac.th” from THNIC which manage *.th domains, but they are not required to have such type of domain.
Around the world
Mostly, educational domain name vary from country to country. In the UK, a domain of certain universities will end with .ac.th
such as University of Cambridge (cam.ac.uk). While .edu
is being use in the US, e.g. Juniata College’s juniata.edu or MIT’s mit.edu. I would have to say that the ones in the US are rater shot and convenient.
On the other side of the world, China uses .edu.cn
(not .ac.cn
). For example, I am studying in Xi’an Jiaotong University and our domain is xjtu.edu.cn.
Weird things in Thialand
Most major institutions in Thialand, that is virtually all universities, have their domain nicely organized. Majority of them use their abbrevation such as Srinakharinwirot Univerwisity (SWU) uses swu.ac.th. However, there are some that do not, such as chula.ac.th and mahidol.ac.th.
The situation get more messy at the school level. Some school use .com
domain. No matter if they are public or private, they can obtain .ac.th
status such as https://www.bodin.ac.th and pramanda.ac.th
I hope this post will help explain things, not confusing them up :-).
Pargorn - Bangkok 2020