Testing out Python code requires a quick creation of virtual environments. There are two popular tools that I use to create virtual environments: Anaconda and Virtualenv. Anaconda mostly works out-of-the-box. Once you created a new environment with Anaconda, the batteries (frequently used libraries e.g. Numpy, Scipy) are included. However, I like the more “clean” and empty environment so I know what are missing and what is required. This post is a compilation of commands to create a virtual environment with virtualenv. It is just a note, not a complete guide. It should work for both macOS and Linux.

Install virtualenv

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv

Creating a virtual environment

python3 -m venv env

Note: If you wish to use specific python version to create virtual environments. You install the specific verison and change from python3 to python3.x and replace x with the version number you wish.
